Welcome to Pages to Planes!
Who I Am
My name is Maddie and I am the creator of Pages to Planes.
I am an avid dreamer who has a Pinterest board full of articles about Top Things to do in [fill in your dream location]. (My dream vacation destination is everywhere!)
I am also a voracious reader of novels and a big believer in armchair travel. Just as planes transport us, so do words.
In fact, I am an aspiring fiction novelist with dreams of one day being a full time author. I enjoy creating my own worlds full of complex characters and hope to one day be able to present a published book to you!

Pages to Planes is where I catalogue my exciting (and nerdy) travel experiences, my favorite (and, yes, also nerdy) books, and muse about all the things in the world that fascinate me.
How it Started

In elementary school, I was the kid who sat against the wall of the school with a book open on my knees. I always finished the library-sponsored summer reading challenges within the first month. When I was forced to attend my brother’s baseball games–you guessed it–I was reading.
When I was nine, my grandparents took my brother and me on a trip to England, France, and the Netherlands. While the first 24 hours were nightmare inducing (my poor, life-choice questioning grandparents) as I proceeded to get food poisoning on the plane and vomit all over the rental car office, the rental car, my shoes, my brother’s hoodies, and the hotel… But the rest of the experience was magical!
I was hooked.

Turns out there’s just as much adventure possible in the real world as between the pages of my books!
But books are much cheaper…
How it’s Going
I travel when I can–and read (and write) the rest of the time!

Most Popular Posts
To get you started, here’s a list of my most popular posts. Happy reading and happy traveling!
The Wonder of the Aurora at Yellow Dog Lodge

Fifteen minutes after midnight, I am napping in an armchair and Mom and Mason are sprawled on the coach. Then Gordon pokes his head in and says the magic words…
Waiting on Wapiti: A Lifetime Hunt for a Bull Elk

When every one else is getting ready for Pumpkin Spice lattes and scarves, my family welcomes fall in a different way. September is archery hunting season…
All Posts
Book Reviews

I only review books that I would recommend to my friends–books that take me on adventures and show me new worlds.
Travel Journal

I want to go everywhere… But I most enjoy beautiful nature, small towns, cultural experiences, history, and castles!
Guides & Resources

My tips, tricks, and suggestions for how to make the most of a vacation. I enjoy castles, ruins, and views!
Disclaimer: I use all my own photographs for travel posts. However, I occasionally use free photos from Unsplash for Book Review posts and general aesthetics on my website.